Friday, May 31, 2013

Advice Column

Helpful Hints and Tips to keep you Alive in the Apocalypse

Have you ever wondered how you would fare if you were ever stuck in an apocalyptic wasteland of what you used to call your planet? Well, today, I'm going to give you some advice that may prove helpful if you ever find yourself in this situation. First, you need to figure out what the problem is, whether it is the aftermath of natural disasters, meteors/comets, or even a worldwide economic meltdown. No matter what the cause is, the result will always be the same. The earth will be a shell of its former self, with its inhabitants reduced to scavenging for scraps in order to survive. Probably some the most important aspects of survival are to obtain water, food, and find any means to protect yourself; weapons, shelter, and even location. But even more important than these physical items is love and companionship. If you're in this situation with a loved one, it is very important to make sure that they don't see your weakness or fear, because chances are that they are probably counting on you to lead the way. You have to keep high morale so that the people dearest to you will still be willing to trudge on, and find some sort of safe haven. Sometimes the most important things in life aren't objects, but rather love, friendship, and perseverance.

In The Road, you see a lot of these components with me and my father. He always taught me to carry on, no matter how bad things got. He taught me the importance of perseverance and the importance of "carrying the fire". That's what I would recommend you doing when presented with this situation; find something to cling to that gives you hope. For me, that was finding the good guys, who also "carried the fire". Whether that be hanging on for a loved one, finding a safe haven, or even just wanting to stay alive, make that ideal be what you cling on to and give you the will to survive. As long as you still have hope, you stand a better chance at riding out the apocalypse than someone who doesn't have hope.

Artist Statement

The Road is obviously not the happiest, uplifting story in the world; in fact, it is actually quite depressing and dreary. For this reason, I tried to make my blog reflect this mood as accurately as possible. The background I have chosen is actually from the movie itself, and it depicts the man and his boy walking down a deserted street. Fires are raging, cars are overturned, and telephone poles stand at awkward angles. All of these show how bad it is in the apocalypse. It shows that there is literally no society left, and people are forced to fend for themselves, and their loved ones, if they’re willing to do that. As for my color choice, I chose a sickly yellow to show how that there is almost nothing good left in this post apocalyptic world.

As for my thematic choices, most have to do with the physical journey, or some aspect of the boy's development. For example, I did my postcard based off of what the boy might send to his late father once he moved on in life with the new family he found at the end of the book. I also made a conversation between the boy and his father, which was what their final words to each other might've been. I made a timeline that showed all of the key events that happened, and when they happened. Most of these events were the major conflicts that they encountered, which helped to develop the boy. The next piece I made was a recipe, which was supposed to be a list of the major components that make up the boy. These included his qualities, emotions, physical appearance, and even a little bit of the events he experienced. And finally the advice column was in the perspective of the boy, and it was geared towards giving people helpful advice to how you should handle being in an apocalyptic world.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Conversation between the man and the boy

Man: If I could be with you, forever, I would, but my time has come.

Boy: But you promised to not leave me alone.

Man: I know, but it’s time you grow up.

Boy: I don’t want to without you.

Man: You don’t have a choice, and you’re ready for this.

Boy: Will I ever see you again?

Man: In time, you will, but not for a while.

Boy: How long?

Man: Eventually. What’s important is that you’re still alive to carry the fire and keep on moving.

Boy: I can’t.

Man: Yes, you can. You and I both know you can.

Boy: Ok.

Man: It’s time. I can’t go on any longer.

Boy: Please don’t leave me.

Man: I’m sorry, but this is how it has to be.

Man: I’m so proud to be your father, and I’ll always be watching over you, up there.

Boy: Papa…

Man: I love you. Stay strong, and find the good guys.

Boy: I love you too Papa. Goodbye…